Pregnancy loss is common and can be devastating. It’s natural to be concerned about the missed abortion. If you have experienced a missed abortion or are worried that one will occur, speak with your healthcare physician about emotional support and counselling options.

What is a missed abortion?

You may be confronted with the surprising diagnosis of abortion when there have been no indications that anything was wrong. A missed abortion, also known as a silent miscarriage, occurs when there are no apparent signs of a miscarriage, such as vaginal blood, cramping, or tissue transit through the vagina.

Causes of Missed Abortion

The causes of missed abortions are not completely understood. This article will discuss the causes of missed abortion, as well as how it is detected and treated. Below are some of the common causes seen of missed abortions.

  • A uterine issue, such as scarring, can sometimes induce miscarriage.
  • About half of all miscarriages occur because the embryo has the incorrect number of chromosomes.
  • If you have an endocrine or autoimmune problem, or if you smoke often, you may be at a higher risk of miscarriage.
  • Physical trauma might sometimes result in a missed abortion.
  • If you have missed an abortion, your doctor will most likely be unable to pinpoint the cause. The embryo stops developing in a missed miscarriage, and there is generally no evident cause.

What to Do If You Have a Missed Abortion?

Pregnancy might also cause mood swings due to hormonal changes. You may become concerned about a lack of symptoms. If you are worried and need reassurance, call your doctor and talk about it with them. They may take you in for a check-up to determine what’s going on and to reassure you that you haven’t had a miscarriage.

Is a missed abortion painful?

A missed abortion is characterised by moderate to severe vaginal bleeding and is typically accompanied by pelvic discomfort that may radiate to the lower back and buttocks. One can get physically well soon, but emotional healing can take more time. Speaking with a counsellor may also be beneficial. Everyone is distressed in their own unique way and at their own rate. It is helpful to talk with other people who have lost a pregnancy.

Symptoms of a missed abortion

  • A missed abortion usually indicates that there were no symptoms prior to the diagnosis.
  • You may have seen some tiny spots, but this symptom is not always present.
  • Pregnancy symptoms can persist in certain situations of missed abortion. Even if the pregnancy is no longer viable, the placenta may continue to produce hormones, causing you to experience breast soreness, morning sickness, and tiredness.
  • Some women may experience pregnancy symptoms, but this is an inaccurate indicator of miscarriage.
  • Normal pregnancies can also experience a loss of pregnancy symptoms, particularly in the latter half of the first trimester when morning sickness and exhaustion generally subside.

Diagnosis and treatment of Missed Abortion

They identified a missed miscarriage when the foetal heartbeat is not caught on an ultrasound or handheld Doppler when the pregnancy has progressed to the stage where it should be detected. This will get in repeated because there is often some uncertainty about how far along you are in your pregnancy and if a foetal heartbeat should be detectable at this point.

During a viable pregnancy, your blood hCG levels should increase, doubling every two to three days as they should. A subsequent ultrasound may reveal that the pregnancy has stalled and is no longer viable.

Following a diagnosis, your doctor will discuss your treatment choices with you. Waiting for a natural miscarriage without intervention is one possibility. This can take several days to weeks. If there is no sign that the miscarriage is about to happen on its own, a procedure called dilation and curettage (D&C) is advised. A D&C is a surgical procedure in which your doctor dilates your cervix and removes the contents of your uterus using a curette.

How does it feel?

If you have experienced a missed abortion, reach out to your partner, family, and friends for additional love and care. If you had a miscarriage, give yourself the time and space you need to grieve and heal—both emotionally and physically.

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